Illusory Contract - Many contracts include "satisfaction clauses", in which a promisor can refuse to pay if he isn't subjectively satisfied with the promisee's performance. Strictly speaking, this is an illusory promise, since the promisor has no actual legal burden to pay if he chooses not to.
Obamacare - An attempt to enter into an illusory Contract with the American people.
Most Americans are aware that Obamacare is an attempt to place more power in the hands of the Washington Power Elite at the expense of the citizens. Power, in the universal sense, is neither expanded or diminished. When one entity gains more power it can only be at the expense of another entity. No one can make a serious case for Obamacare not increasing the power of the government in reference to health care in the United States. If the maxim that power is neither expanded or diminished is accurate, and I suggest that it is, some entity is losing power at the expense of the Government's gain.
The clear and obvious conclusion is that we, the people, are surrendering our freedom of choice, our power to make our own decisions, if we permit the power hungry folks in Washington to increase theirs. Are we really ready to do this with health care? Have we fallen so far from our founding principles that we will meekly surrender the control over our own health care decisions? Are we ready to turn over 14% of the economy to Washington? If so what is next?
Face the truth. Those who favor Obamacare do so for only one of two reasons. The first possible reason is that you are Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi or B. Obama and will gain power at the expense of the people. Of course, since you know more and are smarter than the American people, that must be a good thing because the folks out there in our towns and cities don't know what is good for them as indicated by every meaningful poll. The second reason is more distressing. After all we can understand that human nature being what it is there will always be people seeking to gain power by any means but what about those who meekly surrender and give up their freedom for illusory security. To that second group of supporters of Obamacare - you should be ashamed of yourself. Not only do you support the loss of your own freedom but you want to take mine away as well. How dare you?
Do you think that this is the last power grab by this administration? This group thinks big. Let's not start with the small stuff and work our way up - lets make a grab for the big ones, health and energy - and if we can control those the small stuff will come easy. So folks be ready to continue to buy your cars from government owned companies, borrow your money from government owned banks, get health care, for what it may be worth, from government run hospitals and forget the American dream. Who do the bells of tyranny ring for - it rings for you.
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