IN TOUCH WITH THE AMERICAN PEOPLE. 1988 - George W. Bush, the first Bush President, was running for reelection. He was running against William Jefferson Clinton and, as usual for a Republican, against the mainstream media. During the campaign he visited a grocer's convention. While at the convention he expressed amazement at the technological advancements taking place in the industry with a specific comment on the ability to scan products at the register so that the price would be entered electronically into the register and did not have to be entered by hand. Despite the fact that the President was a regular visitor to small grocers in Kennebunkport, Maine, and ample evidence to demonstrate that he was well aware of the way that people shopped, the media went after him with a vengeance. In particular Andrew Rosenthal, a writer for the New York Times, not present at the time of the incident, wrote that this was a clear demonstration that the President was out of touch with the American Public. The story, and the implication, became the hot item of the campaign with the suggestion that President Bush, a Texan with Connecticut Yankee roots, was just out of touch with the American people. 22 years later Joe Biden visits a small custard shop in Milwaukee. In response to his question to the manager asking for the price of the custard he purchased the manager told him if you can cut our taxes the custard is free. Biden's response "Don't be a smart ass". How elegant, how in touch with the American Public, how ignored by the main stream media. If this were an isolated incident it could be marked up as just another slip of the tongue from the very slippery tongue of the Vice-President. The fact of the matter, however, is that this is not an isolated incident and is representative not only of the Vice-President's failure to be in touch with the American Public but is representative of the entire administration. From the failure of the Administration to have any concern for the overwhelming opposition of the American people to the outrageously expensive health care bill that we will have to live with and which our children will have to pay for to the opposition of the American people to the out of control spending by this Administration putting us into unsustainable debt to our adversaries in the world to the opposition of the American people to the Administration's failure to act in response to the illegal immigration crisis to the opposition of the Administration to respond to the American people's demand that all possible means, including accepting help from foreign sources, be used to stop the destruction of the Gulf region resulting from the BP oil spill this Administration has been so out of touch with the American people that one might think there is life on Mars and that is where Obama and company reside.
And I ask - where has the media, which chided George Bush over a phony issue having to do with operating grocery scanners, been in reference to its job to keep the public informed and to report the truth. The main stream media apparently has found a nice comfortable place on the planet Mars with the Administration. Here is to Washington coming down to Earth in November and regaining touch with all of us - The American people.
Sunday, June 27, 2010
Theemis #2
The Emes #2
A popular, though perhaps unfair canard during the World War II era was that "Britain would fight to the last Frenchman". In view of the fact that Churchill and the Brits fought long after the French had succumbed to the Nazi war machine and turned on its own Jewish population I think it is reasonable to put this long held comment to rest. I think, however, that it is easily and accurately replaced with an accurate statement that the Obama Administration will appease to the last Israeli.
These so-called intellects who spent their time learning about everything with the exception of Western Civilization as they went through the liberal halls of our Ivy league and so-called elite institutions of higher education failed to learn the most basic principles o statehood and diplomacy. Bullies devour the weak. Bullies chew up the weak and spit them out. Obama, Biden and Clinton have demonstrated in the last few months, weeks and days their utter misunderstanding of how diplomacy works.
As these American pols attempt to negotiate away the sovereign rights of the State of Israel to a people and government that has never been and was created completely out of thin air as the puppet state of Arab and other Muslim extremists for the purpose of destroying any vestige of a Jewish presence in its historic and biblical homeland and take with it any hint of a free and democratic future for the mideast our blind leaders don't understand that Israel is the Canary in the mine.
If the Islamic fascists succeed, with the help and aid of the Obama administration in destroying the free Jewish State, the only true ally of the U.S. in the region, the only Country that shares common values and goals with the majority of the American nation (excluding those now in the seats of power) what comes next.
May I address your attention to one of the most important books written in the past ten years. Mark Styne's "America Alone" is a well researched and detailed description of the Islamization of Europe as those Europeans with traditional Judeo-Christian values fall sway to the old Zero Population Growth philosophy of failing to reproduce themselves in numbers and quickly turn themselves into a minority population in the nations that they have created.
It is not a difficult stretch, considering the freedom of worship that we see in Saudi Arabia and its fellow Islamic Dictatorships what comes next in Europe once the Islamic majority is in place. Do you know has happened to the Christian cities of Bethlehem and Nazarus? They aren't Christian cities any longer. The Christians have been forced out and they have become Islamic cities fled by Christians for their own safety. Is this the future for a Jerusalem as envisioned by Joe Biden, Barack Obama and Hilary Clinton. If they deny that this will be the end result of their interference with internal Israeli politics they are either lying or just plain dumb. You know, with the exception of Joe Biden, I don't think they are so dumb, just malicious.
So as goes the Arab Mideast and Israel as configured by Obama, et al so goes Europe. Where does that leave the United States? Isolated, that is where. As we continue to host the United Nations our sovereign status will be diminished because we certainly want to fit in with world opinion. And what will that mean to the civil liberties in the United States? To those of you who of a liberal or progressive political bent - do you support gay marriage. Forget about it because under the new world order homosexuality will be discouraged in what the spy novels call "in the extreme". Women's rights and equality - put on your burkas because that is the frame of mind that you support when you support the dilution of a free Israel by the threat of an ever expanding Palestinian control over Israel's natural and Bibilical borders resulting in the next diaspora. Elections - line up to vote in Saudi Arabia, Iran, Yemen, and Syria. Your vote will count as much.
Israel is only the test. As Israel goes, so goes Europe and so goes the United States. Ask yourself before you cast your next vote, which may become a less significant matter for your children, what kind of world do you want to live in. It is time to take off your blindfolds and fight for the future of your country in the way that we fight best - in the ballot box. This may be the only way that we can avoid the calamity that the world faces in appeasing the fascists that we now chat with - without conditions precedent.
Harvey Alford
A popular, though perhaps unfair canard during the World War II era was that "Britain would fight to the last Frenchman". In view of the fact that Churchill and the Brits fought long after the French had succumbed to the Nazi war machine and turned on its own Jewish population I think it is reasonable to put this long held comment to rest. I think, however, that it is easily and accurately replaced with an accurate statement that the Obama Administration will appease to the last Israeli.
These so-called intellects who spent their time learning about everything with the exception of Western Civilization as they went through the liberal halls of our Ivy league and so-called elite institutions of higher education failed to learn the most basic principles o statehood and diplomacy. Bullies devour the weak. Bullies chew up the weak and spit them out. Obama, Biden and Clinton have demonstrated in the last few months, weeks and days their utter misunderstanding of how diplomacy works.
As these American pols attempt to negotiate away the sovereign rights of the State of Israel to a people and government that has never been and was created completely out of thin air as the puppet state of Arab and other Muslim extremists for the purpose of destroying any vestige of a Jewish presence in its historic and biblical homeland and take with it any hint of a free and democratic future for the mideast our blind leaders don't understand that Israel is the Canary in the mine.
If the Islamic fascists succeed, with the help and aid of the Obama administration in destroying the free Jewish State, the only true ally of the U.S. in the region, the only Country that shares common values and goals with the majority of the American nation (excluding those now in the seats of power) what comes next.
May I address your attention to one of the most important books written in the past ten years. Mark Styne's "America Alone" is a well researched and detailed description of the Islamization of Europe as those Europeans with traditional Judeo-Christian values fall sway to the old Zero Population Growth philosophy of failing to reproduce themselves in numbers and quickly turn themselves into a minority population in the nations that they have created.
It is not a difficult stretch, considering the freedom of worship that we see in Saudi Arabia and its fellow Islamic Dictatorships what comes next in Europe once the Islamic majority is in place. Do you know has happened to the Christian cities of Bethlehem and Nazarus? They aren't Christian cities any longer. The Christians have been forced out and they have become Islamic cities fled by Christians for their own safety. Is this the future for a Jerusalem as envisioned by Joe Biden, Barack Obama and Hilary Clinton. If they deny that this will be the end result of their interference with internal Israeli politics they are either lying or just plain dumb. You know, with the exception of Joe Biden, I don't think they are so dumb, just malicious.
So as goes the Arab Mideast and Israel as configured by Obama, et al so goes Europe. Where does that leave the United States? Isolated, that is where. As we continue to host the United Nations our sovereign status will be diminished because we certainly want to fit in with world opinion. And what will that mean to the civil liberties in the United States? To those of you who of a liberal or progressive political bent - do you support gay marriage. Forget about it because under the new world order homosexuality will be discouraged in what the spy novels call "in the extreme". Women's rights and equality - put on your burkas because that is the frame of mind that you support when you support the dilution of a free Israel by the threat of an ever expanding Palestinian control over Israel's natural and Bibilical borders resulting in the next diaspora. Elections - line up to vote in Saudi Arabia, Iran, Yemen, and Syria. Your vote will count as much.
Israel is only the test. As Israel goes, so goes Europe and so goes the United States. Ask yourself before you cast your next vote, which may become a less significant matter for your children, what kind of world do you want to live in. It is time to take off your blindfolds and fight for the future of your country in the way that we fight best - in the ballot box. This may be the only way that we can avoid the calamity that the world faces in appeasing the fascists that we now chat with - without conditions precedent.
Harvey Alford
Theemis #3
AS GOES THE BALANCE OF POWER - SO GOES THE NATION. The founding Fathers knew about despotism first hand at the hand of King George and the British Parliament. They also knew that in order to avoid that fate in this new land there would have to be a balance of power among those who strive to control others or the power hungry, who from the beginning of recorded time managed to wrest freedom away from the individual, would manipulate the American experience and turn it into another text book case of a revolution gone sour. To avoid this result they developed a cross hatch of power sharing measures to prevent any one individual or group from obtaining a position of domination from which they could not be removed.
The first concept was one of a Federalist nation with a small "r" republican form of government in which the states would share power with the federal government. All powers not specifically granted to this new federal government was, in our Bill of Rights, specifically reserved to the states and the individuals therein. The second concept was that of balancing power between three coequal branches of government. The legislative branches of Congress were created to make the law, the Courts to interpret the law and the Executive to execute the laws only as created and interpreted by the Congress and the Courts.
So what has happened to this design created within our Constitution and Bill of Rights to create a perpetually free American Community of people? The whittling away of the balance of power has certainly been going on for years. Franklin Roosevelt attempted to pack the Supreme Court of the United States by increasing the number of justices, fill the new seats with his cronies, and render the Supreme Court a puppet in the hands of the Executive Branch. Often the reductions in the balance of power have been in the name of good causes, such as the Commerce Clause being expanded beyond recognition for the purpose of putting an end to the evils of segregation and the deprivation of civil rights to segments of our society. But the problem has been that once the evils, many actual and many perceived, were dealt with legislatively on the federal level under the Commerce Clause, the precedent had been set and the ideal of a republican form of government sharing power between the federal government and state governments was fatally ruptured.
The Statists, recognizing that the Constitutional guarantees could now be treated as subjective as opposed to objective guarantees set their sights on that other troublesome balance between the supposed coequal branches of government. Socialist author, George Orwell, wrote in "Animal Farm", his short satire about a farm taken from the farmer and run by the animals as a commune, that "All animals are equal but some are more equal than others". That appears to be the core belief of those who would continue to diminish the authority of the Congress and the Courts and enhance that of the Executive.
Now lets take a look at what has happened in this great Country in the last eighteen months. What has been the impact of the Health Care bill on the balance of power? As an incidental matter, to those who don't care about individual freedoms and the meaning of the Constitution, and having nothing to do with Health Care other than making a sham attempt to demonstrate that the plan will cost less than a trillion dollars, the student loan program was taken away from individual private banks and put in the hand of the federal government. If you want a student loan you no longer see your local banker you see your locally appointed government official. But that of course, to those who put no value on keeping power out of the hands of politicians, is just incidental. States capitals have been replaced by Washington, far away from most of us, as the place where decisions regarding health care will be made. What most people fail to realize is that the thousands of pages that constitute the Health Care bill represents only a fraction of the rules and regulations YET TO BE WRITTEN AND IMPLEMENTED by agencies appointed by the Executive Branch. In other words the law is not complete as written. Hundreds upon Hundreds of questions that the most astute readers of the law have posed cannot yet be answered because the regulations have not been written and the Congress has taken itself out of the regulation phase of this bill and handed it over to the Executive. This Congress has made a fallacy of the concept of Separation of Powers by groveling at the feet of the Executive and writing itself out of the decision making process to its peril and to the peril of all Americans. So as the use and abuse of the Commerce Clause created a precedent to write and enforce laws by the folks in Washington, that were never intended to be within Washington's power but specifically left to States and local communities, the act of Congress in handing over the real meat of the Health Care bill to the Executive Branch will create a precedent speeding up the process of creating a Royal Executive.
What about the demotion of our Court system. Just look at what has taken place as a result of the BP disaster. The idea created by this administration that no crisis should be wasted was never truer. This is not only a disaster for our ecology and economy, it has also been a disaster for our system of government. A test. Which coequal branch of government is responsible for overseeing the determination of liability for both negligent and intentional wrongdoings? Which coequal branch of government is responsible for overseeing the determination of the damages to be paid by individuals and businesses who cause loss to others as the result of their negligent or intentional acts. If you guessed that it is the Courts you used to be right.
Apparently we don't need the Courts for this purpose anymore since we now have an Executive Branch that will replace the Courts in determining liability, figuring out how much should be paid by the wrongdoer, and who should get how much. And who will hand out the money? It will not be judges with lifetime appointments to prevent them from being swayed by political considerations it will be the politicians themselves who have proven that every move that they make is swayed by political considerations. Political appointees will determine who has been naughty and who has been nice and hand out the Twenty Billion Dollars in candy as they determine. Congratulations United States of America, a financial Star Chamber has been created by your elected officials.
This Country is faced with a political class that is successfully diminishing the authority of the States, local communities, the individual, Congress and the Supreme Court. Liberals who have traditionally been concerned that States Rights is a code word for violation of civil rights will not have to worry any longer because there will be no states rights left. Conservatives who have traditionally been concerned about activist judges will not have to worry any longer because the judges will have nothing left to act upon.
AS GOES THE BALANCE OF POWER - SO GOES THE NATION. The founding Fathers knew about despotism first hand at the hand of King George and the British Parliament. They also knew that in order to avoid that fate in this new land there would have to be a balance of power among those who strive to control others or the power hungry, who from the beginning of recorded time managed to wrest freedom away from the individual, would manipulate the American experience and turn it into another text book case of a revolution gone sour. To avoid this result they developed a cross hatch of power sharing measures to prevent any one individual or group from obtaining a position of domination from which they could not be removed.
The first concept was one of a Federalist nation with a small "r" republican form of government in which the states would share power with the federal government. All powers not specifically granted to this new federal government was, in our Bill of Rights, specifically reserved to the states and the individuals therein. The second concept was that of balancing power between three coequal branches of government. The legislative branches of Congress were created to make the law, the Courts to interpret the law and the Executive to execute the laws only as created and interpreted by the Congress and the Courts.
So what has happened to this design created within our Constitution and Bill of Rights to create a perpetually free American Community of people? The whittling away of the balance of power has certainly been going on for years. Franklin Roosevelt attempted to pack the Supreme Court of the United States by increasing the number of justices, fill the new seats with his cronies, and render the Supreme Court a puppet in the hands of the Executive Branch. Often the reductions in the balance of power have been in the name of good causes, such as the Commerce Clause being expanded beyond recognition for the purpose of putting an end to the evils of segregation and the deprivation of civil rights to segments of our society. But the problem has been that once the evils, many actual and many perceived, were dealt with legislatively on the federal level under the Commerce Clause, the precedent had been set and the ideal of a republican form of government sharing power between the federal government and state governments was fatally ruptured.
The Statists, recognizing that the Constitutional guarantees could now be treated as subjective as opposed to objective guarantees set their sights on that other troublesome balance between the supposed coequal branches of government. Socialist author, George Orwell, wrote in "Animal Farm", his short satire about a farm taken from the farmer and run by the animals as a commune, that "All animals are equal but some are more equal than others". That appears to be the core belief of those who would continue to diminish the authority of the Congress and the Courts and enhance that of the Executive.
Now lets take a look at what has happened in this great Country in the last eighteen months. What has been the impact of the Health Care bill on the balance of power? As an incidental matter, to those who don't care about individual freedoms and the meaning of the Constitution, and having nothing to do with Health Care other than making a sham attempt to demonstrate that the plan will cost less than a trillion dollars, the student loan program was taken away from individual private banks and put in the hand of the federal government. If you want a student loan you no longer see your local banker you see your locally appointed government official. But that of course, to those who put no value on keeping power out of the hands of politicians, is just incidental. States capitals have been replaced by Washington, far away from most of us, as the place where decisions regarding health care will be made. What most people fail to realize is that the thousands of pages that constitute the Health Care bill represents only a fraction of the rules and regulations YET TO BE WRITTEN AND IMPLEMENTED by agencies appointed by the Executive Branch. In other words the law is not complete as written. Hundreds upon Hundreds of questions that the most astute readers of the law have posed cannot yet be answered because the regulations have not been written and the Congress has taken itself out of the regulation phase of this bill and handed it over to the Executive. This Congress has made a fallacy of the concept of Separation of Powers by groveling at the feet of the Executive and writing itself out of the decision making process to its peril and to the peril of all Americans. So as the use and abuse of the Commerce Clause created a precedent to write and enforce laws by the folks in Washington, that were never intended to be within Washington's power but specifically left to States and local communities, the act of Congress in handing over the real meat of the Health Care bill to the Executive Branch will create a precedent speeding up the process of creating a Royal Executive.
What about the demotion of our Court system. Just look at what has taken place as a result of the BP disaster. The idea created by this administration that no crisis should be wasted was never truer. This is not only a disaster for our ecology and economy, it has also been a disaster for our system of government. A test. Which coequal branch of government is responsible for overseeing the determination of liability for both negligent and intentional wrongdoings? Which coequal branch of government is responsible for overseeing the determination of the damages to be paid by individuals and businesses who cause loss to others as the result of their negligent or intentional acts. If you guessed that it is the Courts you used to be right.
Apparently we don't need the Courts for this purpose anymore since we now have an Executive Branch that will replace the Courts in determining liability, figuring out how much should be paid by the wrongdoer, and who should get how much. And who will hand out the money? It will not be judges with lifetime appointments to prevent them from being swayed by political considerations it will be the politicians themselves who have proven that every move that they make is swayed by political considerations. Political appointees will determine who has been naughty and who has been nice and hand out the Twenty Billion Dollars in candy as they determine. Congratulations United States of America, a financial Star Chamber has been created by your elected officials.
This Country is faced with a political class that is successfully diminishing the authority of the States, local communities, the individual, Congress and the Supreme Court. Liberals who have traditionally been concerned that States Rights is a code word for violation of civil rights will not have to worry any longer because there will be no states rights left. Conservatives who have traditionally been concerned about activist judges will not have to worry any longer because the judges will have nothing left to act upon.
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