The Emes #2
A popular, though perhaps unfair canard during the World War II era was that "Britain would fight to the last Frenchman". In view of the fact that Churchill and the Brits fought long after the French had succumbed to the Nazi war machine and turned on its own Jewish population I think it is reasonable to put this long held comment to rest. I think, however, that it is easily and accurately replaced with an accurate statement that the Obama Administration will appease to the last Israeli.
These so-called intellects who spent their time learning about everything with the exception of Western Civilization as they went through the liberal halls of our Ivy league and so-called elite institutions of higher education failed to learn the most basic principles o statehood and diplomacy. Bullies devour the weak. Bullies chew up the weak and spit them out. Obama, Biden and Clinton have demonstrated in the last few months, weeks and days their utter misunderstanding of how diplomacy works.
As these American pols attempt to negotiate away the sovereign rights of the State of Israel to a people and government that has never been and was created completely out of thin air as the puppet state of Arab and other Muslim extremists for the purpose of destroying any vestige of a Jewish presence in its historic and biblical homeland and take with it any hint of a free and democratic future for the mideast our blind leaders don't understand that Israel is the Canary in the mine.
If the Islamic fascists succeed, with the help and aid of the Obama administration in destroying the free Jewish State, the only true ally of the U.S. in the region, the only Country that shares common values and goals with the majority of the American nation (excluding those now in the seats of power) what comes next.
May I address your attention to one of the most important books written in the past ten years. Mark Styne's "America Alone" is a well researched and detailed description of the Islamization of Europe as those Europeans with traditional Judeo-Christian values fall sway to the old Zero Population Growth philosophy of failing to reproduce themselves in numbers and quickly turn themselves into a minority population in the nations that they have created.
It is not a difficult stretch, considering the freedom of worship that we see in Saudi Arabia and its fellow Islamic Dictatorships what comes next in Europe once the Islamic majority is in place. Do you know has happened to the Christian cities of Bethlehem and Nazarus? They aren't Christian cities any longer. The Christians have been forced out and they have become Islamic cities fled by Christians for their own safety. Is this the future for a Jerusalem as envisioned by Joe Biden, Barack Obama and Hilary Clinton. If they deny that this will be the end result of their interference with internal Israeli politics they are either lying or just plain dumb. You know, with the exception of Joe Biden, I don't think they are so dumb, just malicious.
So as goes the Arab Mideast and Israel as configured by Obama, et al so goes Europe. Where does that leave the United States? Isolated, that is where. As we continue to host the United Nations our sovereign status will be diminished because we certainly want to fit in with world opinion. And what will that mean to the civil liberties in the United States? To those of you who of a liberal or progressive political bent - do you support gay marriage. Forget about it because under the new world order homosexuality will be discouraged in what the spy novels call "in the extreme". Women's rights and equality - put on your burkas because that is the frame of mind that you support when you support the dilution of a free Israel by the threat of an ever expanding Palestinian control over Israel's natural and Bibilical borders resulting in the next diaspora. Elections - line up to vote in Saudi Arabia, Iran, Yemen, and Syria. Your vote will count as much.
Israel is only the test. As Israel goes, so goes Europe and so goes the United States. Ask yourself before you cast your next vote, which may become a less significant matter for your children, what kind of world do you want to live in. It is time to take off your blindfolds and fight for the future of your country in the way that we fight best - in the ballot box. This may be the only way that we can avoid the calamity that the world faces in appeasing the fascists that we now chat with - without conditions precedent.
Harvey Alford
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